He's been a noisy child, a constant companion and at times a muse, our Siamese cat, Mog who has been there for the last 23 years. Over that time I've created a number of images featuring our favorite feline cuddle buddy.

Framed Photographic Print
Image Size: 3.88*4.61 Inches
An intimate portrait of our cat asleep and cosy. Cool background colours blend seamlessy into the warm soft colours of his fur, emphasising the quiet of the early morning light.
I'm Sleeping
Presentation Mounted Giclee Print
Image Size: 16.5*19.24 Inches
A wide, sunlit windowsill is the best place to spend the afternoon according to Mog. The angle and composition of this shot perfectly captures the detail of his paws and his subtle 'red points'.

Our mog
Framed Giclee Print
Image Size:16.33*16.33 Inches
When you are going graphic might as well go BIG! This was one of my first shots of our boy used as an avatar on social media back in the day. This image captures the direct stare of Mog he still does to this day
Out For the Count
Presentation Mounted Photographic Print
Image Size: 8*10.32 Inches
Mog can (and does) fall asleep pretty much anywhere. This shot is a reminder that our feline freinds are decendants of the big cats, sleeping in the African Savanna, without a care in the world.

Framed Photographic Print
Image Size: 3.88*4.61 Inches
Sitting on your lap looking at the bright screen in your hand, confused as to why it's so intesting, Our Mog passing judgment on the news of the day. The light from the screen perfectly highlights the angles of his head and wiskers.