Small town churches or to use the Scots term, ‘Kirk’ were and are in some cases still the cornerstone of rural communities.

Digital photographic image printed on Fuji DPII Lustre photographic paper
Image Size: 9 * 12 Inches
Single Edition £200
Like most places of worship Auchermuchty Parish Church sits by the side of the town centre, next to The Cross, a former marketplace common to towns that acted as a meeting place for local farmers. The kirkyard is testament to its central position in the lives of the community as some graves date back many centuries.
This day the church was inaccessible. A massive snowstorm had swept across the country cutting off villages and towns. The following day was calm, cold and bright allowing people to explore the clean crisp blanket of snow that had transformed the town. No doubt congregations of all faiths across the country were spurred into action by the weather, clearing paths, checking in on the vulnerable and helping their neighbours, proving that faith is more than the structures and places we congregate.
This work is professionally framed and mounted to a finished size of 15 by 18 inches, ready for hanging. Use the contact me button below if you’ve questions about this.